Academic Program Proposals From Degree-Granting Institutions Authorized to Operate in the State of Maryland

Distance Education Programs

New regulations (listed below) 

​​Where an institution is se​​eking to offer a distance education program, where that program has not been previously approved, a full program proposal is required that addresses all program review criteria that Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 13B.02.03.06 out​lin​es. Additionally, the proposal should directly and explicitly address the C-RAC guidelines. 

 Institutional Appr​oval to Offer Distance Education       COMAR 13B.02.03.22

An institution may not utilize distance education as program modality unless the institution:

(1) As of January 1, 2018, offers at least one distance education program that has been approved by the Commission and that has received appropriate designation from the institutional accreditor; or

(2)  Is designated by the Secretary, under COMAR 13B.02.03.22B, as an institution eligible to provide distance education.

Designation as an Institution Eligible to Provide Distance Education.

(3) An institution of higher education operating in the State that is required 

to have a certificate of approvafrom the Commission under 

COMAR13.02.01 or 13B.02.02 may request that the Secretary designate the 

institution as eligible to provide distance education.

(4)  An institution desiring to be designated as eligible to provide distance education 

shall submit an application to the Secretary, using this form​​​​that:

(a)  Demonstrates:

(i)  Distance education is consistent with the institution's mission;

(ii) Institutional resources and the source ofunds to support distance ​education are sufficient;

(iii)  Academic oversight, quality control, and student services to be 

provided shall be sufficient to provide distance education;

(iv)  Student supports, including but not limited to technical support, learning resources such as library resources, 

student support services such as disability services, and student 

services such as financial aid, academic advising, and career planning, 

shall be sufficient to support students enrolled in distance education; 


(v)  Faculty supports shall provide for best practices and pedagogy in distance education; and

(b)  Includes:

(i)  A list of intended programs to be offered as distance education;

(ii)  An affirmation that a program's  curriculum and objectives shall be coherent, cohesive, and comparable 

regardless of program modality;

(iii)  A signed statement from the President of the institution that the 

institution shall comply with the C-RAC guidelines; and

(iv) Any complimentary materials submitted to the institutional accreditor for approval to offer distance education.

An institution offering distance education shall comply with the C-RAC guidelines.​

Change in Program Modality        COMAR 13B.02.03.29​

An institution that has received approval to operate a program may add, change, suspend, or discontinue a program modality if the institution provides advance notice to the Commission in accordance with  COMAR 13B.02.03.29B.

​​In addition to a letter addressed to the Secretary requesting approval accompanied with a cover sheet​​​​​​​​​​,  an institution's notice​​​ to the Commission shall include:

(1)  The name and degree of the program;

(2)  The HEGIS and CIP code of thprogram;

(3) A description of and rationale for, the addition, change, suspension, or discontinuation oprogram modality;

(4) An affirmation that thprogram's  most recently approved curriculum and 

objectives are coherent, cohesive, and comparable, regardless oprogram 


(5)  Thplanned implementation date of the addition, change, suspension, or 

discontinuation oprogram modality; and

(6)  For any suspension or discontinuation of a program modality:

(a)   The number of students enrolled in the program who are using that 

program modality and their expected graduation dates; and

(b)  A plan that covers each of the students using the program 's modality to 

ensure that:

(i)   The student's time to completion of the program  is not increased; and

(ii)  Students anfaculty continue to have access to course material, student services, and 

academic support for  the duration of the program.

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