Academic Program Proposal

MHEC Final
Wor-Wic Community College
Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.)Occupational Therapy Assistant1/13/2023
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program Description
The OTA program aims to deliver a learner-centered society by providing Maryland lower eastern shore residents with access to a comprehensive quality and affordable education in the field of Occupational Therapy as Occupational Therapy Assistants. We <br>intend to uphold the philosophical beliefs of the profession of occupational therapy by creating strong leaders in occupational therapy. We seek to develop diverse students who will advocate for a meaningful life through engagement in occupation for all clients, whether they have health restrictions. The OTA program empowers learners through engagement in scholarship, leadership, professional and ethical behavior, and clinical <br>reasoning. As such, faculty strive to develop practitioners who will contribute to enabling in all recipients of OT services the ability to lead purposeful, and meaningful lives across the lifespan. Graduates of the program will be competent generalists who will promote individual and population health through occupational therapy practice, education, and advocacy. The OTA program mission is aligned with the mission and goals of Wor-Wic Community College, by providing an affordable and comprehensive educational <br>experience in recruiting, educating, and graduating a diverse group of students prepared to successfully pass the NBCOT exam for Occupational Therapy Assistants, obtain state <br>licensure as Occupational Therapy Assistants, and enter the workforce as certified and licensed Occupational Therapy Assistants. Students enrolled in this program obtain didactic and direct clinical experience at a variety of regional agencies. These <br>experiences may include acute hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, long-term care facilities, day care centers, skilled nursing facilities, psychiatric facilities, pediatric centers, and the school system. Students develop foundational knowledge and entry-level skills to facilitate their ability to function as integral members of the healthcare team in providing occupational therapy services at the individual, group, and population levels to clients across the life span. Additionally, the college mission aligns with OTA program’s established goals and program outcomes. As the recently updated college mission states, <br>“Wor-Wic Community College empowers a diverse population of students to achieve success by delivery high-quality, affordable education, professional training, workforce <br>development opportunities, and comprehensive student services that strengthen economic growth and improve the quality of life on the Lower Eastern Shore.” Since its initial development and MHEC approval, the OTA program has filled an employment gap, serving as one of only three recognized OTA programs in Maryland. Ultimately, the Wor- Wic Community College’s OTA program intends to develop independent OTAs. Using the <br>scaffolding design, learners will receive continuous support and faculty guidance during program enrollment, culminating into independent clinical practice. Furthermore, the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework that guides the design of learning experiences to proactively meet the needs of all learners. Using UDL, the instructors assume that barriers in the learning are in the design of the environment, not in the <br>student. Using UDL allows for learners to become expert learners – purposeful, motivated, resourceful, and knowledgeable, goal-directed, and strategic. This framework <br>allows for anticipation of and planning for all learners, ensuring that the greatest range of students can access and engage in learning. UDL utilizes multiple means of engagement, representation, and action and expression to facilitate optimal learning. The use of both a scaffolding model and the UDL framework encourages students to build their learner knowledge to a level of competence. Instructors will eventually remove support as the learner is prepared to perform independently while ensuring appropriate learning environments. By the end of the program, students are able to becomei ndependent and competent practitioners.

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