Academic Program Proposal

MHEC Final
Washington College
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)Economics to include an AoC in International Economics3/2/2023
Economics to include an AoC in International Economics Program Description
The minor, open to all students with an interest in international issues, is meant to help students develop (1) better understanding of the interconnections among local, national, <br>and global events; (2) critical thinking skills, (3) empirically-based understanding of diverse perspectives; and (4) the ability to communicate effectively with people from different cultures. These goals are aligned with the College mission, which states we will “develop in our students analytic thought and clear communication” and foster “engagement with cultures and communities locally and around the world.” And it is aligned with the College strategic plan, which states that we will “develop and offer more courses with an explicit global component.” Beyond institutional alignment, the minor is aligned with the U.S. Department of Education’s 2021 call to provide more international education, in light of the fact that many of the biggest challenges that the world faces today are global in nature and that an international education is vital to <br>understanding and addressing those challenges.* The minor is comprised of courses that are already being taught at the College. No new faculty lines are needed to support this <br>minor. The minor begins with the core economic skills taught in introduction to macroeconomics and microeconomic courses. These courses provide a foundation in the factors that determine national income levels, unemployment rates, inflation, and resource allocation around the world under different types of market structures and government systems. Next, students pursuing the minor take three international courses: ECN 218 Economic Development, ECN 410 International Trade, and ECN 411 International Finance. In the Economic Development course, students learn the skills to <br>examine national poverty alleviation strategies and why they succeeded or failed in countries around the world along with the role of markets and government in determining economic growth. In the International Trade course, students learn about <br>policies that obstruct the free flow of trade and the ethical arguments for and against the protection of producers within each country. They also examine the impact of trade on <br>economic development and growth and the international organizations that are designed to influence the orderly function of the international trading system. Finally, in the <br>International Finance course, students will examine foreign exchange markets and the various mechanisms for achieving domestic and international stability in terms of employment, inflation, and growth. In addition to the strong disciplinary foundation that students will gain from the five economics courses, the minor gives students the opportunity to choose an additional two courses from the disciplines of Business <br>Management, History, Philosophy and Religion, and Political Science. Courses in these disciplines, chosen in collaboration with the respective academic departments, were selected based on their ability to contribute to the goals of developing critical thinking skills, diverse perspectives, and an understanding of international issues in a more globally connected world.

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